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1. ANSI B11.0-2010 机械安全 通则与风险评估 Safety of Machinery; General Requirements and Risk Assessment
2. ANSI B11.1- 2009 机械动力压力机的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Mechanical Power Presses
3. ANSI B11.2-1995液体压力机的制造、维护和使用的安全要求Hydraulic Power Presses- Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use
4. ANSI B11.3-2002 折弯机的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Power Press Brakes
5. ANSI B11.4-2003 剪床的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Shears
6. ANSI B11.5-1998机床.钢铁制品的制造、维护和使用的安全要求 Ironworkers- Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use
7. ANSI B11.6-2001非自动控制的或手动控制的旋转机床的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Manual Turning Machines with or without Automatic Control
8. ANSI B11.7-1995 冷镦机和冷成型机的制造、维护和使用的安全要求 Cold Headers & Cold Formers- Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use
9. ANSI B11.8 2001手动控制的或非自动控制的磨床、钻床和镗床的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Manual Milling,Drilling, & Boring Machines with or without Automatic Control
10. ANSI B11.9 1975磨床的制造、维护和使用的安全要求 Safety Requirements for the Construction, Care,and Use of Grinding Machines
11.ANSI B11.10-2003金属锯床的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Metal Sawing Machines
12. ANSI B11.11-2001齿轮和齿条切削机械的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Gear and Spline Cutting Machines
13. ANSI B11.12-2005滚轧成型和滚轧弯曲机床的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Roll Forming & Roll Bending Machines
14. ANSI B11.13-1992 单轴、多轴自动棒材、卡盘车床的制造、维护和使用的安全要求 Single and Multiple-Spindle Automatic Bar, and Chucking Machines- Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use
15. ANSI B11.14-1996卷切机的制造、维护和使用安全要求 Coil Slitting Machines- Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use
16. ANSI B11.15-2001导管、管体和形材弯曲机的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Pipe, Tube and Shape Bending Machines
17. ANSI B11.16-2003粉末/金属压力机的安全要求Safety Requirements for Powder/Metal Compacting Presses
18. ANSI B11.17-2004卧式液力挤压机的安全要求Safety Requirements for Horizontal Hydraulic Extrusion Presses
19. ANSI B11.18-2006卷材、薄钢板和钢板加工用机械和机械装置——制造、维护和使用的安全要求Machines and Machinery Systems for ProcessingStrip, Sheet or Plate from Coiled Configuration -Safety Requirements for Construction, Care and Use
20. ANSI B11.19-2010安全装置的性能标准 Performance Criteria for Safeguarding
21. ANSI B11.20-2004 完整制造业系统的安全要求Safety Requirements for Integrated Manufacturing Systems
22. ANSI B11.21-2006使用激光处理材料的机床的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Machine Tools Using Lasers for Processing Materials
23. ANSI B11.22-2002中心旋转和自动数字控制旋转机床的安全要求Safety Requirements for Turning Centers and Automatic Numerically Controlled Turning Machines
24. ANSI B11.23-2002中心加工和自动数字控制磨床、钻床、镗床的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Machining Centers and Automatic Numerically Controlled Milling,Drilling and Boring Machines
25. ANSI B11.24-2002传送机的安全要求 Safety Requirements for Transfer Machines
26 ANSI/ASME B15.1-2000机械动力传输设备的安全性标准Safety Standard for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus
27. ANSI B71.1-2003 户外动力设备 步进式割草机与带割草机的骑乘式机器 安全技术规范Outdoor Power Equipment – Walk-Behind Mowers and Ride-On Machines with Mowers -Safety Specifications
28. ANSI B71.3-2005 室外动力设备.扫雪机.安全规范Snow Throwers – Safety Specifications
29. ANSI B71.7-1985 电动圆木劈裂机.安全规范 Powered Log Splitters – Safety Specifications
30. ANSI/OPEI B71.8-1996室外电力设备.后走式动力旋转分蘖机和手持耕耘机.安全规范 Outdoor Power Equipment – Walk-Behind Powered Rotary Tillers and Hand Supported Cultivators – Safety Specifications
31. ANSI B77.2-2004 缆车.安全要求 Funiculars – Safety Requirements
32. ANSI B151.15-1985 塑料机械.挤注模压机.制造,维护和使用的安全要求Plastics Machinery, Extrusion Blow Molding
33. ANSI/SPI B151.28-1995 塑料机械.泡沫塑料切割或抛光机.制造、维护和使用的安全要求 Plastics Machinery – Machines to Cut, Slit, or Buff Plastic Foams – Safety Requirements for the Manufacture, Care, and Use
34. ANSI/SPI B151.7-1996塑料机械.塑料挤压机.制造、维护和使用的安全要求 Plastics Machinery – Plastics Extrusion Machines- Requirements for the Manufacture, Care and Use
35. ANSI/SPI B151.1-1997 塑料机械.卧式注射成型机.制造、维护和使用的安全要求Plastics Machinery – Horizontal Injection Molding Machines – Safety Requirements for Manufacture, Care, and Use
36. ANSI/SPI B151.27-2003 塑料机械.与卧式注射成型机一起使用的机器人.集成、维护和使用的安全要求Safety Requirements for the Integration, Care and Use of Robots Used wth Horizontal & Vertical Injection Molding Machines
37. ANSI B175.1-2000 汽油链锯 安全要求 Gasoline Powered Chain Saws, Safety Requirements for
38. ANSI B175.2-2000 动力工具 手持式与背负式 汽油驱动吹风机 For Power Tools – Hand-Held and Backpack,Gasoline-Engine-Powered Blowers
39. ANSI B175.3-2003户外动力设备 割草机与灌木清除机 安全要求Outdoor Power Equipment – Grass Trimmers and Brushcutters – Safety Requirements
40. ANSI B175.4-2006户外动力设备 便携式、手持式、内燃机驱动式切割机 安全要求 Outdoor Power Equipment – Portable, Handheld,Internal-Combustion-Engine-Driven Cut-Off Machines – Safety Requirements
41. ANSI/ASTM E2148-2003 金属加工或金属切削液卫生与安全相关文献的使用指南Guide For Using Documents Related to.Metalworking or Metal removal Fluid health and safety
42. ANSI O1.1-1992 木材机械的安全要求 Woodworking Machinery – Safety Requirements
43. ANSI S2.60-1987 平衡机的外壳和其他安全指南Balancing Machines – Enclosures and Other Safety Measures
44. ANSI Z136.1 Errata-1993激光的安全使用.附录 Safe use oflasers;
45. ANSI Z245.1-1992 垃圾的收集,处理和处置设备.移动式垃圾收集和压实设备的安全要求Mobile Refuse Collection and Compaction Equipment–Safety Requirements
46. ANSI SNT-101-2002 动力工具.便携式压缩空气驱动的紧固件旋入工具.安全要求Safety Requirements for Power. Tools, Portable,Compressed-Air-Actuated Fastener Driving Tools
47. ANSI/UL763-2004电动商用食品准备机器的安全标准Standard for Safety for Motor-Operated Commercial Food Preparing Machines
48. ANSI/UL1090-1995 电动扫雪车的安全标准 Standard for Safety for Electric Snow Movers
49. ANSI/UL2157-1995电动洗衣机和甩干机的安全标准Standard for Safety for Electric Clothes Washing Machines and Extractors
50. ANSI/UL2158-2004电动衣物烘干机的安全标准 Standard for Safety for Electric Clothes Dryers
51. ANSI/UL60335-1-2003家用和类似用途电器的安全.第1 部分:一般要求Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances, Part 1: General Requirements
52. ANSI/UL60335-2-34-2002家用和类似用途电器的安全.第2-34 部分:电动压缩机的特殊要求 Household and Similar Electrical Appliances,Part 2: Particular Requirements for Motor-Compressors
53. ANSI/UL60745-1-2004手持式电动工具的标准.安全.第1 部分:一般要求 Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 1: General Requirements
54. ANSI/UL60745-2-1-2004手持式电动工具的标准.安全.第2-1 部分:钻和冲击钻的特殊要求 Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-1: Particular Requirements for Drills and Impact Drills
55. ANSI/UL60745-2-2-2004手持式电动工具的安全标准.安全.第2-2 部分:旋具和冲击式扳手的特殊要求Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-2: Particular Requirements for Screwdrivers and Impact Wrenches
56. ANSI/UL60745-2-4-2004手持式电动工具的安全标准.安全.第2-4 部分:打磨器和随机轨道打磨器的特殊要求Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-4: Particular Requirements for Sanders and Polishers Other Than Disk Type
57. ANSI/UL60745-2-5-2004手持式电动工具的标准.安全.第2-5 部分:圆盘踞的特殊要求Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-5: Particular Requirements for Circular Saws
58. ANSI/UL60745-2-6-2004 手持式电动工具的标准.安全.第2-6 部分:电锤的特殊要求Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-6: Particular Requirements for Hammers
59. ANSI/UL60745-2-8-2004手持式电动工具的安全标准.安全.第2-8 部分:剪切机和步冲轮廓机的特殊要求Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-8: Particular Requirements for Shears and Nibblers
60. ANSI/UL60745-2-9-2004手持式电动工具的安全标准.安全.第2-9 部分:攻丝机的特殊要求 Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-9: Particular Requirements for Tappers
61. ANSI/UL60745-2-11-2004手持式电动工具的安全标准.安全.第2-11 部分:往复锯的特殊要求Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-11: Particular Requirements for Reciprocating Saws
62. ANSI/UL60745-2-12-2005手持电动工具——安全——第2-12 部分:混凝土振动器的特殊要求 Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-12: Particular Requirements For Concrete Vibrators
63. ANSI/UL60745-2-14-2004手持式电动工具的标准.安全.第2-14 部分:电刨的特殊要求Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-14: Particular Requirements for Planers
64. ANSI/UL60745-2-17-2004手持式电动工具的标准.安全.第2-17 部分:木铣和修整机的特殊要求 Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-17: Particular Requirements for Routers and Trimmers
65. UL 60745-2-18-2005手持电动工具——安全——第2-18 部分:橡皮膏工具的特殊要求Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-18: Particular Requirements For Strapping Tools
66. UL 60745-2-20-2005手持电动工具——安全——第2-20 部分:带锯的特殊要求Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-20: Particular Requirements For Band Saws
67. UL 60745-2-21-2005手持电动工具——安全——第2-21 部分:污水清洁器的特殊要求Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety – Part 2-21: Particular
